Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé!

Beaujoais Nouveau is a tradition started in the early 1800s from the Beaujoais region of France to celebrate the excitement surrounding the end of harvest. The celebration takes place on the third Thursday of November and includes the release of young Gamay wine produced that year. It is unusual for a red wine to be released this early because red wines are typically aged for at least a year; however, this limited production wine is known for being fresh, fruity and very limited production.


Although we are not located in France, and we did not produce Gamay this year, we are celebrating a long harvest and some great upcoming wines!


Our harvest began early July, an unusually early start for Texas varietals due to the extreme heat we had this summer. In contrast, our California harvest started much later than expected and we only finished receiving grapes in November due to cold, rainy weather. Most harvest seasons conclude within two months; however, our Untamed harvest season lasted for 5 months. A harvest this long deserves a celebration!

(Last grapes of the season)



Join us this Thursday, November 16th, in our tasting room as we celebrate an Untamed Nouveau Day! We will be bringing in a Pinot Noir barrel filled with newly fermented wine and thieving samples from the barrel. Come sample our young Pinot Noir and taste this wine before it ages for the next 18 months!


Make you reservations here: https://www.untamedwines.com/reservation/